The ability to make strategically informed decisions using Information and Data early on can save entrepreneurs and business owners thousands of dollars. Prices for generic cookie cutter consulting services that are standard business practices have become exorbitantly expensive. For most entrepreneurs and business owners the price of hiring a large consulting firm is unrealistic.

Enter IDEA RECON! Get expert personalized consultative services without large firm pricing. Let us do the recon for your products or business.

Our service includes a personal consultation to help identify gaps and opportunities, a comprehensive report that includes expert recommendations. We also offer a suite of professional services that will help you start, and/or run your business smoothly and efficiently. That’s how we ensure your success.

Mission Statement – Conduct reconnaissance in order to ensure market fit and to help businesses to get, keep, and grow customers.

The founder first learned the value of making informed decisions while serving in the United States Marine Corps as a Infantryman and then a Recon Marine. He has years of experience in both the government and private sectors, and he finished his graduate studies at the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas at Austin where he focused in Technology Commercialization. After realizing that there is limited access for small business owners and startup founders to professional consultative services, he founded IDEA RECON.

Apollo Hernandez