Freedom Hot Sauce
We are 100% Veteran Owned and Operated and we support Veteran causes across the nation. Freedom Hot Sauce was created by members of the Elite Special Operations Forces. As in our military service, we accept only the best and that has carried on to creating our hot sauce. It is a one of a kind hot sauce that releases the FREEDOM of the flavor of your food. TASTE THE FREEDOM!! Our mission is to deliver the BEST hot sauce on the planet!! Gluten Free, Sugar Free, MSG Free.
Main ingredients are Freedom, Patriotism, and Liberty with a base of Jalapeno/Cayenne flavor and a Mesquite, Smoke, Lime, and Garlic aftertaste! If you love America, you'll get some FREEDOM HOT SAUCE!!
Disclaimer: For every ounce used, a terrorist sheds a tear.
(469) 305-0825
4760 Preston Road, Suite 244-200
Frisco, TX 75034
Mark Corwin